Home Education The Second Kalima In Islam: Understanding Its Significance And Meaning

The Second Kalima In Islam: Understanding Its Significance And Meaning

by James William


Islam is a comprehensive way of life that encompasses faith, worship, and righteous conduct. One of the essential aspects of Islamic belief is the recitation of Kalimas, which are concise expressions of faith. The Second Kalima, also known as the Shahada Tamjeed, holds great importance in the life of a Muslim. In this article, we will explore the meaning and significance of the Second Kalima, its relevance in Islamic theology, and address some frequently asked questions about it.

The Second Kalima: Shahada Tamjeed:

The Second Kalima, or Shahada Tamjeed, is recited as follows: “Ash-hadu an la ilaha illa Allah, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuluh.” This translates to: “I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger.”


The second Kalima in Islam is a declaration of faith that emphasizes the oneness of Allah and the prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him). By reciting this Kalima, a Muslim testifies to the belief in the absolute unity of Allah and acknowledges the finality of Prophet Muhammad’s message. It serves as a constant reminder of the core principles of Islam and acts as a spiritual foundation for Muslims.

Theological Relevance:

The Second Kalima holds theological significance as it encapsulates the key principles of Tawheed (the belief in the oneness of Allah) and Risalah (the belief in prophethood). Tawheed is the cornerstone of Islamic monotheism, emphasizing that Allah is the only true deity worthy of worship. By stating this belief in the Second Kalima, a Muslim reaffirms their devotion to Allah alone and rejects all forms of polytheism.

Furthermore, the Second Kalima affirms the prophethood of Muhammad, recognizing him as the last and final messenger of Allah. It acknowledges his role as a servant of Allah and confirms that his teachings and actions serve as guidance for Muslims. Through this declaration, Muslims establish a direct connection with the Prophet and embrace his exemplary life as a source of inspiration and guidance.

Practical Implications:

The recitation of the Second Kalima is not limited to a mere verbal affirmation; it has practical implications in a Muslim’s life. By bearing witness to the oneness of Allah and the prophethood of Muhammad, individuals commit to following the teachings of Islam, seeking to embody its principles in their daily lives.

The second Kalima in Islam reminds Muslims of their duty to worship Allah sincerely, seeking His pleasure in all actions. It encourages believers to lead a life in accordance with the teachings of the Prophet, emulating his character traits of mercy, justice, and compassion. The Second Kalima also instills a sense of responsibility in Muslims to spread the message of Islam and invite others to the path of truth and righteousness.


The Second Kalima, the Shahada Tamjeed, holds immense significance in Islam. It serves as a powerful affirmation of faith, encapsulating the belief in the oneness of Allah and the prophethood of Muhammad. By reciting this Kalima, Muslims reaffirm their commitment to worshipping Allah alone and following the teachings of the Prophet. The Second Kalima acts as a guiding light, reminding believers of the core principles of Islam and inspiring them to lead a life of righteousness.

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